Demonology Opener

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Bluepea's picture
Demonology Opener

While I can't compare to specs/classes I haven't raided with, I've found the current Demonology to be one of the deepest and most intricate so far. There are many cooldowns, timings, procs and synergies to keep track of. While granting wide utility and freedom of choice, it can also be a bit overwhelming to decide when it's appropriate to use what. It has taken me considerably more practice time than other specs to tighten my performance with 5.x demonology and develop an instinctive feel for all the abilities.

Just thought it would be fun to share what my standard opener looks like in case you're messing with the spec also or are simply curious. There are a lot of buttons to press and I could use a castsequence macro, but I need to be able to re-prioritize on the fly depending on the fight and what procs when.

Occasionally when everything procs perfectly I've managed to break 500k dps at about the 15-20 second mark, but I've seen other warlocks go much higher. Here's how I might open on Durumu.:

Countdown at 4 seconds...

Start casting Soul Fire

At pull

Curse of the Elements
Summon Doomguard
Grimoire: Felguard
Hand of Gul'dan
Imp Swarm (Try to align this with Legendary Meta to drastically reduce its cooldown.)
Dark Soul: Knowledge
Hand of Gul'dan

These then happen simultaneously

Felstorm with both Felguards

By now, Perfect Aim has procced.

Doom x2 to lock in via Pandemic 90 seconds of guaranteed Doom crits and Wild Imp spawns.
Touch of Chaos x2

Then, if I have enough Molten Core procs, continue to spam Soul Fire until Dark Soul has finished, then return to normal rotation. With T15 set bonuses, Fury will appear to not move for a while as your double-stacked Shadowflame, Corruption, Wild Imps and Soul Fires are generating it as fast as you can spend it.

I've had to add TellMeWhen to my list of addons in order to keep these cooldowns front and center. Also, proc from Unerring Vision of Lei-Shen is a such a narrow window in which to pop demon form and squeeze in Dooms, I made the alert for it as obvious as possible. The icon is perfect - it screams to me "Strike now!" I can't usually predict when it will proc so I have to be ready to go demon at any moment and change my rotation.

It can be intimidating but greatly rewarding once you absorb all the nuances. Give it a workout on your alts. It's always been my favorite.

AutoGun's picture

Wow that is truly intricate as hell. Way more involved then Demon ever used to be in the past. Nice to see but at the same time you need a timer for everything on there LOL! Great job getting that down man I give you some serious props!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Skarn's picture

That is a crazy lot of stuff to stack! Looks like it synergizes really well.

Here's my Survival hunter opening rotation:

Before Pull

Hunter's Mark
Pre-pot at 1 second, nothing to pre-cast.

At/Following Pull

A Murder of Crows
Rapid Fire
Explosive Shot
Black Arrow
Serpent Sting

After Readiness

Repeat Rapid Fire, Fervor and Explosive Shot.
Repeat Murder of Crows AFTER 30 seconds have past or it overwrites itself and loses DPS.

Beast Mastery tosses in there Bestial Wrath, which mixes it up more since Readiness affects that. BW is best when focus is mostly full so you can spam Arcane Shot.

It's a lot of buttons, but it's never felt to synergize very well. I still need to hit them all, they just don't boost each other as much as yours do. :/ Then again, looks like you have MORE going on! That's quite the start-up, Bluepea!

For Science!

Bluepea's picture

I... I think I'm gonna be sick...


  • Wild Imps' Fel Firebolt now deals 30% less damage.
  • Unerring Vision of Lei Shen now has a 40% reduced chance to activate its effect for Warlocks.
Serelyn's picture
I saw the trinket change and

I saw the trinket change and had to laugh. The fact that they would nerf a trinket for only one spec of one class is pretty incredible. Guess they really wanted you to go for the new trinkets. On the bright side, at least they didn't change imps to a RPPM type of effect

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